The John Cook Family

The John Cook Family
our family

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Winter Vacation: Part One

Fasten your seat belts folks, there will be about seventeen parts to this post!

 Friday we stopped at the Beatty's for the night, had some great homeade pizza and good fellowship. The next morning we continued on to Pennsylvania and the Marshall's.


Mountains. Better scenic pictures coming.

Pastor Kevin and Miss Michelle took us over to Miss Rosie's .

 Getting ready to sing :) We did a concert Saturday night. 

 Meredith with Pastor Kevin.

 Making Muffins at Miss Rosie's that night. Stayed up late visiting with her, then got up Sunday Morning for more singing and Dad preached Sunday school and the morning service.

 The View from the house.

 Colin and Molly

 Pastor Kevin and the girls :)

 James and Derek playing around.


 The three kings.

 Picture with Miss Rosie.
L to R: Miss Rosie, John David, Meredith, Mom, Kathryn, Jared, Dad, Jackson, James, Megan, Lily, Morgan and one random cat.
 After church selfie with John David.

 After Church we went over to the Marshalls for Supper.

 All the kiddos on the devices.

 Lily with 'whiskers'

 I felt bad for this cat. The girls chased him all over the house the whole time we were there, literally from morning to evening. 

He was probably glad to see us go :)

 Monday morning it was off to Virginia, but first we went to Gettysburg.

 On the way, through the mountains...

 Yes it was mid-December, Yes it was 50 degrees, and Yes it was awesome.

 We stopped at a lot of different landmarks and saw a lot of the countryside, read the monuments, took pictures......this totally counted for History.

 Michigan monument.

John David 

 The Eternal flame monument

 Kathryn :)

 North Carolina monument

 John and Kathryn

 General Robert E. Lee.

 Overlook tower.

 Round Top and Little Round Top.

 Dad and John up in the castle.

 Devils Den and the land below....very sobering to think of all the men and boys who died there.

 Another picture with John.

 The local gift shop profited a nice chunk of change from our visit.

Lily and Meredith with their flags.

Okay, that's all for tonight.
Coming up next: Washington D.C.

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