The John Cook Family

The John Cook Family
our family

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


 Megan made cookies today.
 cookie dough.
 In the oven.
 The finished product.
 Two little girls who like cookies.

 "Give me a cookie, or I'll shoot you!"
 I could blog about cookies all day...


Anonymous said...

looks good megs!

Faith34 said...

Awww c'mon! This is torture!! :)
Delish! :)

Anonymous said...

So, I'm guessing you got a new computer!


Anonymous said...

They look DELISH!!


WoodnBarrel said...

Well that was mean. Now I want one of Megan's cookies! And knowing you are and how hard it is to save any, they are all gone by now! :)
Miss you all! But see you soon LW!
Love ya!